Saturday, April 27, 2013

Time Well Spent

Time Well Spent

     I have learned to be a voice for the field of Early Childhood.   I have learned to exceed my goals and set high standards for myself as it relates to the field of Early Childhood.  Last but not least, I have learned how to build a community of practice

Long-Term Goals

My long-term goal is to continuing my education and to either open a child development center/after school program.

Farewell my fellow colleagues and Instructor
  This has been a wonderful experience for me. There were some times I wanted to give up but I had to keep the faith and pray for courage to continue with this journey. Walden University made my learning experience wonderful.  I am glad that I chose Walden University. I would like to wish my colleagues good luck on a successful future!!! Thanks to Dr. Teri Davis for being a wonderful instructor.


    Favorite Quote

            “Genius without education is like silver in the mine” - - Benjamin Franklin

Contact Info

I would like to thank each of you for a wonderful 8 weeks. My contact information is listed below, feel free to contact me:


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Blog Assignment: Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

NAEYC mission statement is to serve and act on behalf of the need, rights and well being of young children.  NAEYC is the world largest organization working on behalf of children. NAEYC work with teachers to improve education and working conditions in early childhood education. They are committed to promoting excellence in early childhood education.

Current Job Available---

Job Title:  Accreditation Coordinator
Duties:  Working with program administrators  assessors and decision makers throughout all aspect of the accreditation process.  Reviews material to identify procedures and measure program compliance.

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities

Provides information on disabilities in young children. It provides contact information as well as website to various disability agencies.

Currently there are no job available.

Georgia Association of Young Children (GAYC)

This organization started in 1966.  GAYC works independently and collectively with local, state and national organization to make Georgia closer to meeting and improving early care and education in young children. GAYC host an annual conference in Atlanta, GA. They provide workshops, seminars to education and working with children.  The members of GAYC wants to make a difference in the education of young children. The members of GAYC includes education professional, parents, advocates and any concerned individual.

Currently there are no jobs available. However I have signed up for membership.



Saturday, March 16, 2013

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

At least three local or state organizations or communities of practice that appealed to you, and explain why you chose them

1.      Bright From the Start:  Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
2.      NCCP:  National Center for Children in Poverty
3.      GAYC:  Georgia Association on Young Children

The above organizations/communities were selected because they work together to help Georgia’s childcare/daycare improve early care and education for our children. Each organization work together to insure that daycare/child care centers are following proper guidelines of early learning standards and assessments for young children.  They provide support for early education program, professional development for people who work with children, early detection and support of children with special needs and support program for the family. Bright from the Start provides programs that focused primarily on children ages birth to school age and their families (Bright, 2013).  Bright from the start has an awesome site that provide state rating of all daycares in Georgia. So it was beneficial for me when I was in the market for shopping for a daycare for my baby. .

Job opportunities (currently available or not) that interest you
1.      Family Advocate
2.      Child Development Specialist
3.      Early Childhood Education Instructor

   Skills and experience that you would need to competently fulfill each of these roles

Surely, I will need strong interpersonal skill to include having the ability to communicate with both clients and colleagues. Any person who chooses to work with families and children will need to be very flexible and innovative.  I will need my skills learned from taking classes at Walden University

Bright from the Start (2013).  Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning. Retrieved from