Saturday, July 7, 2012

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

·         At least three local or state organizations or communities of practice that appealed to you, and explain why you chose them

1.      Bright From the Start:  Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning
2.      NCCP:  National Center for Children in Poverty
3.      GAYC:  Georgia Association on Young Children

I chose these organizations because they each worked independently and collectively with local, state and national organizations to move Georgia closer to meeting and improving early care and education for young children. Efforts have included support of appropriate early learning standards and assessments for young children, accreditation of child care and early education programs, professional development opportunities for those who work with young children, early detection and support of children with special needs and family support programs.

·         Job opportunities (currently available or not) that interest you
1.      Family Advocate
2.      Child Development Specialist
3.      Early Childhood Education Instructor

·         Skills and experience that you would need to competently fulfill each of these roles

I will need strong interpersonal skills, including the ability to communicate with both clients and colleagues. I will need to be flexible and innovative, in order to work with children and families. I will need my skills learned from taking classes at Walden University


  1. The organizations that you selected sound like they really make a difference in the field of early childhood. I am noticing a trend when it comes to the skills needed for many of early childhood education positions. I noticed that interpersonal skills and communication skills are extremely important in almost every early childhood job posting.

    1. Tamakio,

      Thanks for sharing the organization that effect early childhood in your areas. They sound like great organizations that work independently and colloboratively to support the field of early childhood education. You make a great point in mentioning interpersonal skills, I didn't mention that in my post, I was thinking more on the aspect of understanding child development and having an early childhood background, but interpersonal and communication skills are the key to any position within early childhood or any other field.
