Sunday, October 9, 2011


The Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) supports countries in Sub-Saharan Africa in addressing the care and development needs of their young children. The approach promotes within-country and within-region leadership, respecting both local sources of knowledge as well as international research.

The approach is innovative, inter-sectoral and multi-organizational. It is effective as evidenced by external evaluations in 2004 and 2011. Participation involves several steps: first, a committee within each participating country identifies key national goals in regards to early childhood care and development (ECD); the committee then openly solicits applications and forwards the nominees to the program. Each of the nominated teams joins similarly selected country teams to form a cohort of leaders from eight to ten Sub-Saharan countries.

The ECDVU engages with these leaders through online and face-to-face delivery of courses specifically developed for African and international development contexts. Participants continue with their in-country employment and share their learning across the cohort and within their home country. Strong and sustainable communities of practice have been forged across the region


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